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Newsom Blasted for Dodging State of State Address

Youtube Alternative Dubbed 'Delusional' and 'Out of Touch'

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Governor Newsom Declines to Address Californians on State of the State

Governor Newsom declined to appear before Californians, state lawmakers, and the media to give the annual State of the State address.

Instead, the Governor sent a text of what he called the “State of the State” and posted a recording on his YouTube page.

Quick Historical Catchup
  • State of the State addresses have traditionally been delivered in January, just after governors unveil their proposed budgets. It’s nearly July.

  • Governors have annually delivered their speeches live and media have carried these speeches either on television or on their digital platforms.

The Fallout

This decision to sidestep Californians didn’t set well with Californians.

His speech was blasted as delusional, out of touch, and left many wondering once again if he was checking out of his job as Governor.

California Needs Leadership

We all know the Golden State is not so Golden right now. Newsom perhaps didn’t want to face questions regarding the Prop 47 reform initiative, or his failures over the the state’s massive budget crisis, or the ongoing homeless crisis.

But he is the Governor and that’s his job.

Newsoms on the Move

Governor Newsom's family is making a move to Marin County, and according to Politico, at least one of their four children will be attending a private school in the affluent Bay Area enclave.

Jennifer Siebel

  ….. The Newsoms’ eldest child, Montana, is expected to start her freshman year at Branson, according to one of the people with knowledge of the plan. Since Newsom took office in 2019, his children have gone to private schools in Sacramento County — and Siebel Newsom has been outspoken about issues the family grappled with such as bullying

Private School Privilege

📚Attending the Branson School is not cheap, according to the website, tuition starts at around $60k a year.

📚But Newsom’s children have long attended private schools in Sacramento County.

📚It’s expected all the Governor’s children will attend private schools in Marin.

Not Passing “The Vibe” Check

Sending his kids to private schools doesn’t sit well with some critics. That’s because the Governor has long opposed education freedom to Californians.

“Vouchers and for-profit charter schools have no place in this state,” Newsom said during his first gubernatorial campaign. 

In 2022, the governor even boasted about the state’s record public education spending: $23,000 per student – $7,000 more than the average private school tuition in California. 

So Why Now?
  • Newsom’s spokesperson says the move to Marin is to ensure continuity in the children’s education past the Governor’s term ending in 2027.

  • The Governor will remain in Sacramento to do the people’s work and will be splitting time between both cities.

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